< Hakkımızda - Nudo

About Us

Nudo, Türkiye's first domestic instant noodle brand, has been growing since it first met consumers in 2013 by adding new varieties to its product family. Behind this young and dynamic instant noodle brand is Eris, which has over 100 years of food experience. While developing NUDO products, we blended flavor habits from Anatolian traditions with modern dietary preferences and the new taste preferences of the younger generation. Another source of inspiration for us was the noodle culture that originated in the Far East and has spread to world cuisines, being reinterpreted in each culture.

NUDO, produced with Reliable and Halal food criteria, does not contain preservatives, coloring agents and MSG (Monosodium Glutamate).

NUDO products are offered to the market with GIMDES halal food certification. Our care for our business and our understanding of providing healthy and reliable food to our people were certified with the International Superior Taste Award certificate in 2016, 2018, 2021, and 2022.


As Eriş, we are committed to producing halal, high-quality, safe, and authentic products, safeguarding the health of our customers, meeting occupational health and safety requirements, employing production methods that minimize environmental impact, and always adhering to the principle of 100% customer satisfaction as our fundamental principles.

In line with these principles, we aim to become a leading global enterprise by employing a trained and professional team, staying abreast of innovative technological advancements, paying meticulous attention to customer demands, preserving authenticity, reducing the consumption of natural resources and minimizing waste, producing more economically, adhering to all laws and regulations, operating in hygienic environments, and offering halal, high-quality, authentic, and safe products. Our goal is to be an exemplary business worldwide, not only in our environmental practices but also in providing our customers with products that meet their preferences and needs.

To achieve this goal, we are committed to guiding all our team members in the spirit of teamwork, enhancing the service quality of our suppliers, establishing open communication channels for customer satisfaction practices, embracing social responsibility standards, and ensuring sustainability in accordance with the philosophy of continuous improvement. Our business principles and life philosophy revolve around prioritizing 'Occupational Health and Safety,' valuing 'Environmentalism,' and adhering to the principles of 'Halal, Quality, and Safe Food.